What does "Wrong Subject Combination" imply?

In a bid to ensure an even playing ground for all candidates, Universities have a guideline for list of subjects and possible combinations candidate interested in various courses should sit for at the UTME. Wrong Subject Combination imply the subjects a candidate sat for is at variance with the required subject combinations for the course. UTME subject combination requirement for all courses offered by Nigerian University are accessible from the JAMB eBrochure CD given to candidate on registration. A stripped down version of the JAMB Brochure exclusively for FUNAAB is available on our website.

It is advised that affected candidates should carefully check the JAMB brochure for a course whose requirement aligns with the subjects taken in JAMB and request for JAMB portal. If none or the courses offered by us aligns, requesting for a Change of Institution should be considered.. 

NOTE: Candidates with wrong subject combination are NOT barred from participating in the Pre-Admission Screening Exercise.

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2017-09-12 07:58:48
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